I’m here again. It’s hard to start until I start. The morning was so grey and cloudy. It was painful to get up, dress up and show up. It helps to have a mantra and projects. A mantra is like a rah, rah, rah – a cheerleader in my ear. Get up. Dress up. Show up. Now! Then there’s Sheba, barking up a storm. She had to go out and chew grass. Better out than making a mess in the house. Very good incentives this morning.

So here I am again, tap, tapping on my keyboard. All the dog hair are dealt with. My head was feeling like the floor- hairy. There was no getting around or ridding it without the vacuum. My new way of thinking and doing is not to beg the question. When I see something that needs doing, just do it. Don’t delay or avoid. It’s harder than you think. It’s all in my head, I know. So I MAKE myself do the thing that needs doing – unless there’s an emergency. Then, of course, that is the thing that needs attending.

The vacuuming done, I mopped up Sheba’s throw up on the door mat, gathered up all the floor mats. They are laundered and drying out in the sun. Lunch and dishes are tended to. I have a rest day from exercise. It was much needed. I felt an ache in every bone getting up this morning. It was groaner time. So I am pleased that I have progressed past that and sitting here with a few things accomplished. Now – a cup of tea, a little art and the chakras.

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